Saturday, February 26, 2011

Plan Ahead If You're Eating Out

If you have plans to go out to eat consider looking up the restaurant menu online beforehand.  This is a good way to find the nutrition facts and calories of your potential meals.  Once you get to the restaurant don't even look at the menu.  Stick with your smart choice and have an extra drink if you can afford the calories....IT'S THE WEEKEND!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. By calculating a person's suggested daily caloric intake, based on their weight, body fat percentage, and activity level, you are able to figure out the number of calories that person should eat each day to maintain their current weight. Given the fact that 3500 calories equals one pound, if you subtract 500 calories from a person's suggested daily caloric intake they will lose one pound per week. Subtracting 1000 calories from a person's suggested daily caloric intake will allow them to lose two pounds per week. I have yet to see this plan fail. I believe in it and follow it due to the success I've had with it and the fact that it is not considered healthy to be losing more than two pounds per week.
