Monday, March 14, 2011

How to Avoid Hitting A Plateau

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

They didn't call Einstein a genius for nothing!  While the above quote can be applied to just about any aspect of life, it makes a whole lot of sense in terms of fitness and exercise.  Now that we're nearing quarter's end it is time to take an honest look at our fitness programs and make some changes.

Assess your current workout regimen.  Have you gotten into the habit of doing the same stuff all the time?  Spending thirty minutes on the elliptical three times per week may have gotten you some results so far, but those results are bound to slow down or stop very soon.  Take my word for it and make some simple changes to your workout.  You don't want to find out the hard way and have to start over from scratch.  Keep those favorable results rolling in by trying out a different machine or hiring a personal trainer.  There is no point in giving less than 100% if you're really serious about hitting your goals.

Challenge yourself during every workout by trying something new each time you go to the gym.  Use health magazines and the internet to discover new ideas.  Ask a trainer for advice or consider joining a class at your gym if you feel like you need more guidance.  Remember that the more changes you make to your regular routine the better off you are.  The goal here is to make muscle confusion work to your advantage.  Trying new exercises, a different number of sets and repetitions, as well as working out at different times in the day are all ways to keep your muscles from getting used to a routine.

Over the next four weeks work at least four new things into your fitness program.  Make sure you've got a reasonable goal in mind that can be measured and then make some applicable adjustments to your plan.  In four weeks check to see if you've reached your goal.  I'm willing to bet that the correct changes will, at the very least, harvest progress.  Constant change leads to constant improvement, so use these tips to your advantage and GOOD LUCK!

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