Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Outstanding Effort and Achievement Award!

The "Outstanding Effort and Achievement Award" for the month of June goes to MY MOM, Ann Napoletan!!!!  Since mid-January she has lost more than 29 pounds and 22 inches.  Her body fat has come down 5% and she has become extremely dedicated to cleaning up her diet and counting her calories.  

Despite a broken wrist early in the year, my mom has been able to stay on track with lower body workouts and logging her food.  She took something that could have become an excuse and turned it into a reason to work harder on the things she was able to do.  Her dedication to improving her health this year has been nearly flawless.  Losing more than 3 inches on both her waist and hips has helped her get down 3 pants sizes!  Her accomplishments continue to motivate her to set new goals and reach new levels of achievement.  

Mom, despite our difficulties of trying to work together in the past, I really feel like we've both put in an honest effort to succeed this year and it's really paying off.  Your commitment to better health is nothing short of amazing!  It makes me so happy to see you put in such a great effort to be healthy and stay active.  I'm so glad this is working out and can't wait to see what the future holds.  You've truly made a lifestyle change over the past six months and I couldn't be more proud.  Keep up the great work!!!  This journey has become yet another way you've inspired me and I'm very, very thankful for that! :)


  1. Thanks so much for the recognition and especially for your help and support ... I couldn't ask for a better trainer!

  2. Congratulations Ann....Your looking great. I'm proud of both you and Jess.
    BTW, ask your trainer if you can go to Mama Rosa's restaurant the next time your in town :)

  3. You earned it, Mom! And yes, Grandpa, she can go...as long as she brings her trainer along ;)
