Thursday, August 4, 2011

Outstanding Effort and Achievement Award!

Bernadette Romelfanger is the recipient for July's Outstanding Effort and Achievement Award!  Bernie and I have been training together for almost three years and if there is one thing I've learned about her it's that she never lets up.  Her tireless efforts have helped to boost her strength and endurance tremendously.  Many of the exercises that proved to be tough when we started are beginning to seem effortless now, which keeps me, as a trainer, on my toes!

This year alone, Bernie has lost inches in her waist, hips, and thighs, and has brought her body fat percentage down almost 2%.  She is committed to working out on her own three days per week in addition to our two training sessions on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Her consistency has been unfailing in the entire time I've known her, and because of that she is now able to complete some of my toughest workouts week in and week out.

Bernie, working with you over the past few years has been a privilege.  I look forward to training you each week and I am appreciative of your outstanding efforts.  You truly do challenge me as a trainer and I am thankful for that.  You work exceptionally hard, and even when I try to get you to complain you don't!!  We've come a long way from where we started and I'm looking forward to seeing where we end up.  Keep up the great work and it will continue to pay off.  You're workout ethic is the definition of "giving it 100%" and I love that about you.  Keep giving it your all!

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